
Thuyen Skincare

We developed an overarching brand identity for Skincare guru to the stars, Thuyen Nugyens’ new skincare line. Revolving around the Tao” Ying Yang’ theme of complimentary forces, light & dark,  we produced supporting imagery & social guidelines

Yin Yang Instagram concept

Thuyen Skincare

We developed an overarching brand identity for Skincare guru to the stars, Thuyen Nugyens’ new skincare line. Revolving around the Tao” Ying Yang’ theme of complimentary forces, light & dark,  we produced supporting imagery & social guidelines

Yin Yang Instagram concept

Thuyen Skincare

We developed an overarching brand identity for Skincare guru to the stars, Thuyen Nugyens’ new skincare line. Revolving around the Tao” Ying Yang’ theme of complimentary forces, light & dark,  we produced supporting imagery & social guidelines

Yin Yang Instagram concept


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